The same as with residential windows, commercial windows also need to be replaced from time to time. Commercial windows are made to last for years upon years, but that doesn’t mean they last forever, making commercial window replacement a must when needed. Repairs can only go so far, and if you’re noticing issues such as spiking energy bills, condensation in your windows, and needing frequent maintenance or repairs in order to keep your windows in good condition, you should consider commercial window replacement.
If your commercial building has old windows or you’re noticing any of the telltale signs that you’re due for commercial window replacement, having your windows replaced can be the smart move for the cost-efficiency, comfort, and appearance of your business. Here are some of the key benefits of commercial window replacement.
#1. Increase Comfort
The older your windows are, the draftier they tend to be. The internal temperature of your business can already be cause for contention without adding draftiness and decreased energy efficiency to the bill, as some like it warmer while others prefer cooler temperatures. By having commercial window replacement done as needed, you can increase the comfort of your business by eliminating drafts, leaks, and challenges in operation.
Another way that commercial window replacement increases the comfort of your business is through sound-reduction. It can be harder for your employees to focus if there’s all this street and traffic noise slipping through the windows. New windows can improve the soundproofing of your business, which allows for a more efficient working environment that is easier for your employees to focus on the tasks at hand in.
#2. Decreased Energy Bills
You can tell if it’s time for commercial window replacement if your business’s HVAC system is needing to run more frequently in order to compensate for the energy loss through your old, drafty windows. You should be able to rely on the internal temperature of your business to reflect the temperature you set the thermostat to, without your HVAC system needing to run all the time. If it isn’t or if your HVAC is needing to run far more often in order to maintain a semi-comfortable temperature, you could likely need commercial window replacement.
It’s normal for there to be some fluctuations in your energy bills, but if they’re dramatically rising, your windows could be to blame. Having commercial window replacement done may seem like a significant investment, but it can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars on your energy bills every year, making it more than worth it in the long run.
#3. Enhanced Curb Appeal
Appearances are everything when it comes to your business. If your commercial building has old, worn-out windows, this brings down the aesthetic appeal of your property, which can cause you to lose business, as potential customers and clients see the state of your windows and assume that you don’t care or make enough in order to maintain them.
If your commercial windows are looking old, worn out, or have damages such as cracks and chips, and regular cleaning doesn’t do much to improve their appearance, it’s likely time for commercial window replacement. New windows can make a significant difference in the overall appearance of your business, making it more attractive and well-maintained. If you’ve been wanting to upgrade your windows or have the shapes, sizes, or styles changed, getting commercial window replacement is the ideal solution to keep your business up to par.
#4. Improved Building Value
Are you considering selling your commercial space at some time in the future? Getting commercial window replacement can improve the overall value of your building, so that you can enjoy a higher resale value. This is because of all the benefits that commercial window replacement provides, from increased aesthetic appeal to lowered energy bills to a more comfortable working environment and more.
Even if you have no intention of selling your commercial space in the near future, it’s important to stay on top of your property maintenance and ensuring that everything is in good condition. The overall comfort and appearance of your business should be constantly on your mind, as well as ways to improve cost-effectiveness and reduce maintenance. Having commercial window replacement done as needed improves the value of your building through the multiple other benefits it provides.
Do You Need Commercial Window Replacement?
Moyes Glass is a distributor of Kawneer windows, which are high quality commercial windows. If your commercial building is in need of commercial window replacement, you can count on us for high quality windows and high quality services. To learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!